Istanbul Kültür University Art Gallery (IKUSAG) opened its 2024-2025 season with Yevgeni Lansere's exhibition “Türkiye of Liberation: Ankara Summer 1922.” The opening of the exhibition, organized in collaboration with Cumhuriyet Newspaper, was held on Wednesday, October 16 at 15:00 in the IKUSAG Exhibition Hall in the Ataköy building of the Bakırköy campus.
The exhibition, whose opening speeches were delivered by Undersecretary of the Russian Embassy Assoc. Prof. Aleksandr Sotniçenko, Secretary General of Cumhuriyet Foundation & Writer Işık Kansu, and our Rector Prof. Dr. Fadime Üney Yüksektepe, gives important messages about the 100th anniversary of the Republic and the cultural heritage left to new generations.
The exhibition highlights Russian artist Yevgeni Lansere’s impressions and artistic sensitivity during his time in Anatolia. In his works reflecting the period he lived in Ankara in 1922, he portrays the National Forces of the period, the city’s daily life, crowded markets, and historical sites, primarily through portraits of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Halide Edip Adıvar, and Fatma Çavuş.
In addition to Lansere’s black and white drawings, the exhibition also featured versions colored with artificial intelligence by artist Sergey Golovachyev.
Through this unique exhibition, you can witness Liberation’s Türkiye through Lansere’s eyes at the IKUSAG Exhibition Hall until November 22, 2024.